Legal Advice


24/7 Expert Legal
Advice in Australia

24/7 Expert Legal Advice in Australia

Get expert legal advice from all kinds of lawyers you need at the moment. U Lawyers operates a 24/7 hotline where you can talk directly to a professional about your legal concerns.

How It Works


Step 1:

Get in Touch

When you contact our law firm, we’ll schedule a meeting to understand your legal issue better. We offer flexible meeting options including discussing your situation in person, over the phone, or via a video call.


Step 2:

Strategy & Representation

Once we know the details of your case, we’ll create a customised plan to address your needs. We’ll handle all the legal work, and negotiations, and represent you in court, keeping you informed along the way.


Step 3:

Resolution and Follow-up

Our main goal is to reach a favourable resolution for your case. We’ll work diligently to achieve the best outcome possible. Afterwards, we’ll take care of any necessary paperwork and follow-up steps.

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When You Find Yourself In Legal Trouble,
Lawyer Up!

Let’s match you with a lawyer today

What We Guarantee

When You Find Yourself In Legal Trouble,
Lawyer Up!

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Let’s match you with a lawyer today

What We Guarantee

Experienced and Passionate Legal Experts

Our team of lawyers is highly experienced and dedicated to their profession. Passion drives us to go the extra mile for our clients, ensuring we provide the best possible representation and support throughout their cases.

Availability of Lawyers Right When You Need Them

Our law firm strives to be available to you when you need us the most. Whether you’re facing a legal emergency or have urgent questions, we aim to respond promptly and provide timely guidance and representation.

Matched with a Lawyer Specialising in Your Case

We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. You will be matched with a lawyer specialising in the specific area of law under which your case falls. This ensures that you have an expert who thoroughly understands the complexities of your situation and can provide tailored solutions.

Honest Upfront Fees

We believe in being upfront and honest about our fees from the beginning. We’ll discuss the fees during the initial consultation, so you have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your case without any hidden surprises.

No-Fluff Processes

Legal matters can already be complex, and we don’t want to add unnecessary complications. Our approach involves cutting through the fluff and focusing on what truly matters: your case and achieving the best possible outcome.

Transparent Communication with Clients

Our family lawyers prioritise open and transparent communication with our clients. We will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer your questions promptly, and address any concerns you may have so you’ll feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the entire legal process.

Experienced and Passionate Legal Experts

Our team of lawyers is highly experienced and dedicated to their profession. Passion drives us to go the extra mile for our clients, ensuring we provide the best possible representation and support throughout their cases.

Availability of Lawyers Right When You Need Them

Our law firm strives to be available to you when you need us the most. Whether you’re facing a legal emergency or have urgent questions, we aim to respond promptly and provide timely guidance and representation.

Matched with a Lawyer Specialising in Your Case

We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. You will be matched with a lawyer specialising in the specific area of law under which your case falls. This ensures that you have an expert who thoroughly understands the complexities of your situation and can provide tailored solutions.

Honest Upfront Fees

We believe in being upfront and honest about our fees from the beginning. We’ll discuss the fees during the initial consultation, so you have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your case without any hidden surprises.

No-Fluff Processes

Legal matters can already be complex, and we don’t want to add unnecessary complications. Our approach involves cutting through the fluff and focusing on what truly matters: your case and achieving the best possible outcome.

Transparent Communication with Clients

Our family lawyers prioritise open and transparent communication with our clients. We will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer your questions promptly, and address any concerns you may have, so you’ll feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the entire legal process.

How We Can Help You

Civil Law

Our team is experienced in handling various civil disputes, including contract issues, property disputes, and negligence claims. Whatever case you’re facing, we'll guide you through the legal process and work towards a favourable resolution.

Criminal Law

If you're facing criminal charges, our skilled criminal defence lawyers are here to support you. We'll defend your rights, prepare a strong defence strategy, and advocate for the best possible outcome in court.

Drink Driving

If you've been charged with a drunk driving offence, our specialised team can help. We understand the serious consequences of such charges and will work diligently to protect your rights and minimise the impact on your life.

Employment Law

Our employment law experts can assist you with matters like unfair dismissal, discrimination, workplace disputes, and employment contracts, ensuring your rights as an employee or employer are upheld.

Family Law

We handle various family-related matters, such as divorce, child custody, property settlement, and spousal maintenance. Our compassionate family lawyers will help you navigate emotionally sensitive situations and strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for you and your loved ones.


If you need guidance with immigration matters, we can help you understand visa applications, immigration options, and any related issues to make the process smoother for you.


Whether you're buying, selling, or dealing with property disputes, our property law team will provide expert advice and assistance to protect your interests.

Wills and Estates

Planning for the future is crucial, and our lawyers can help you with will preparation, estate administration, and estate disputes, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Personal Injury

If you've suffered an injury due to someone else's negligence, our personal injury lawyers will fight to get you the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

How We Can Help You

Civil Law

Our team is experienced in handling various civil disputes, including contract issues, property disputes, and negligence claims. Whatever case you’re facing, we'll guide you through the legal process and work towards a favourable resolution.

Criminal Law

If you're facing criminal charges, our skilled criminal defence lawyers are here to support you. We'll defend your rights, prepare a strong defence strategy, and advocate for the best possible outcome in court.

Drink Driving

If you've been charged with a drunk driving offence, our specialised team can help. We understand the serious consequences of such charges and will work diligently to protect your rights and minimise the impact on your life.

Employment Law

Our employment law experts can assist you with matters like unfair dismissal, discrimination, workplace disputes, and employment contracts, ensuring your rights as an employee or employer are upheld.

Family Law

We handle various family-related matters, such as divorce, child custody, property settlement, and spousal maintenance. Our compassionate family lawyers will help you navigate emotionally sensitive situations and strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for you and your loved ones.


If you need guidance with immigration matters, we can help you understand visa applications, immigration options, and any related issues to make the process smoother for you.


Whether you're buying, selling, or dealing with property disputes, our property law team will provide expert advice and assistance to protect your interests.

Wills and Estates

Planning for the future is crucial, and our lawyers can help you with will preparation, estate administration, and estate disputes, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Personal Injury

If you've suffered an injury due to someone else's negligence, our personal injury lawyers will fight to get you the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our lawyers are highly experienced professionals with a proven track record in handling various legal cases. They bring a wealth of expertise to the table and are dedicated to providing the best possible representation for our clients.

When you get in touch, we’ll carefully assess the specifics of your case and match you with a lawyer who specialises in the area of law relevant to your situation. This ensures you receive personalised and effective legal counsel from an expert in that field.

We believe in transparency, and our firm provides honest and upfront fee information during the initial consultation. There are no hidden costs, and we’ll discuss the financial aspects of your case before proceeding, so you have a clear understanding of the expenses involved.

The timeline for each case varies based on its complexity and the specific legal issues involved. During the initial consultation, we’ll provide an estimate of the expected timeline, keeping you informed of any significant developments throughout the process.

Absolutely! We encourage open communication with our clients. You can reach out to your lawyer whenever you have questions, need updates, or have any concerns regarding your case. We’re here to support and guide you throughout the entire legal process.

Yes, we offer free initial consultations to discuss your legal matter. It’s an opportunity for you to share the details of your case, ask questions, and see how U Lawyers can assist you.

Our firm has achieved successful outcomes in various legal cases over the years. While each case is unique, our experienced legal experts work diligently to achieve the best possible results for our clients.

Yes, we understand that legal emergencies can arise, and we do our best to be available when you need us the most. If you have an urgent legal issue, contact our firm, and we’ll respond promptly to provide immediate assistance.

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