Civil Law Australia

Civil Lawyers Australia

Whether you’re facing a personal problem, a business-related issue, or any other civil matter, we’re here to help you navigate the complexities of your civil law case. We can provide expert legal advice and representation to individuals and businesses across Australia. Whether you need to draft or review legal contracts, settle disputes through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution methods, or litigate in court, we have experienced civil lawyers to support you throughout the entire process. Our job is to protect your interests and rights and to work towards resolving your legal issues as efficiently and favourably as possible. So if you’re looking to resolve your civil law case in Australia, our civil lawyers can help you achieve the best possible outcome. 

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We’re Always Here For You

We are Available 24/7

We know that legal matters wait for no one and when your matter is urgent you need someone you can lean on. Here at Unified Lawyers our dedicated QLD Lawyers are available 24/7.

What is Civil Law?

Civil law is a branch of the legal system that deals with resolving disputes and conflicts between individuals, businesses, or organisations. 

Unlike criminal law, which focuses on crimes and punishment, civil law aims to provide remedies and compensation to parties who have suffered a loss or those who have suffered harm due to the actions or negligence of others. 

Below are the examples of cases our civil lawyers here at U Lawyers can help you with:


If you’re an individual facing a civil lawsuit of any kind, work with a civil lawyer from U Lawyers so that you understand your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Here’s how we can help you: 

  • Contract Disputes
  • Debt Collection
  • Intellectual Property
  • Defamation


Protect the interests of your company and your rights as a business owner. Our civil lawyers can help you manage your legal risks, address your legal issues and ensure compliance with the law, to protect your company’s assets and reputation.

  • Contract Disputes
  • Property Disputes
  • Debt Collection
  • Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Consumer Protection Issues
  • Breach of Duty

What We Guarantee

Experienced and Passionate Civil Lawyers

Our team of civil lawyers is highly experienced and dedicated to their profession. Passion drives us to go the extra mile for our clients, ensuring we provide the best possible legal representation and support throughout your cases.

Availability of Lawyers Right When You Need Them

Our law firm strives to be available to you when you need us the most. Whether you’re facing a legal emergency or have urgent questions, we aim to respond promptly and provide timely guidance and representation.

Matched with a Lawyer Specialising in Your Case

We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. You will be matched with a civil lawyer specialising in the specific area of law under which your case falls. This ensures that you have an expert who thoroughly understands the complexities of your situation and can provide tailored solutions.

Transparent Communication with Clients

Our civil lawyers prioritise open and transparent communication with our clients. We will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer your questions promptly, and address any concerns you may have so you’ll feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the entire legal process.

Honest Upfront Fees

We believe in being upfront and honest about our fees from the beginning. We’ll discuss the fees during the initial consultation, so you have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your case without any hidden surprises. 

No-Fluff Processes

Legal matters can already be complex, and we don’t want to add unnecessary complications. Our approach involves cutting through the fluff and focusing on what truly matters: your case and achieving the best possible outcome.

How It Works


Step 1:

Get in Touch

When you contact our law firm, we’ll schedule a meeting to understand your legal issue better. We offer flexible meeting options including discussing your situation in person, over the phone, or via a video call.


Step 2:

Strategy & Representation

Once we know the details of your case, we’ll create a customised plan to address your needs. We’ll handle all the legal work, and negotiations, and represent you in court, keeping you informed along the way.


Step 3:

Resolution and Follow-up

Our main goal is to reach a favourable resolution for your case. We’ll work diligently to achieve the best outcome possible. Afterwards, we’ll take care of any necessary paperwork and follow-up steps.


We’re Always Here For You

We are Available 24/7

All of our legal services, including our civil law legal services, are available Australia-wide and at any time. Dont leave your future to chance, talk to U Lawyers now.

Legal Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Civil law is a branch of law that deals with resolving disputes between individuals, businesses, or organisations. It focuses on providing remedies and compensation to parties who have suffered a loss rather than punishing wrongdoers.

Civil law cases cover a broad range of issues, including contract disputes, property disputes, debt collection, defamation, intellectual property disputes, and more.

While you’re not legally required to have a lawyer, having legal representation can significantly impact the outcome of your case. A skilled civil lawyer can provide valuable advice, build a strong case, negotiate on your behalf, and navigate the complexities of the legal system.

The statute of limitations varies depending on the type of case and the jurisdiction. It sets a time limit within which legal action must be brought. It’s crucial to consult with a civil lawyer to understand the specific statute of limitations applicable to your case.

Yes, in many civil cases, parties have the option to settle their disputes through negotiation or mediation. Settling out of court can save time and money and allow both parties to reach a mutually agreeable resolution.

The duration of a civil hearing can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case, the number of witnesses, and other factors. Some trials may last a few days, while others can extend for weeks or months.

Yes, in many instances, parties have the right to appeal a civil court’s decision to a higher court if they believe errors were made during the hearing or if they disagree with the judgment.