Family Law Australia

Family Lawyers Australia

Our specialised family lawyers are here to help individuals and families navigate legal matters related to family issues. We deal with a wide range of cases that involve marriage, divorce, child custody, property settlement, domestic violence, spousal maintenance, financial issues, adoption, and more. We will provide legal guidance and support during some of life’s most challenging and sensitive family law situations. Family law matters can be emotionally charged and complex, and we strive to offer compassionate and personalised assistance to each client. No matter the family law matter you’re going through or where you are in Australia, our family lawyers are here to help you achieve the right outcome for you.

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We’re Always Here For You

We are Available 24/7

We know that legal matters wait for no one and when your matter is urgent you need someone you can lean on. Here at Unified Lawyers our dedicated QLD Lawyers are available 24/7.

What is Family Law?

Family law is a specialised area of legal practice that deals with legal matters concerning family relationships and domestic issues. It encompasses a wide range of topics and there are many ways a family lawyer in Australia can help you with your family law matter. 

Here’s an overview of family law services you can get here at U Lawyers.


Divorce in Australia is a no-fault family law process that ends a marriage that has irretrievably broken down. For the couple to be divorced in Australia, they must have been legally married, have been separated for at least 12 months, and either party must be an Australian citizen, or have lived in Australia for at least 12 months before applying for divorce and consider Australia their permanent home.

The divorce application, with the help of a family lawyer, is filed with the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, and if there are no complications, the family court grants the divorce and no court appearance is usually required. 

Once the Divorce Order becomes final, the marriage is dissolved, allowing both parties to remarry if they wish. 

In divorce matters, our family lawyers can provide comprehensive legal assistance and support throughout the entire process. Here’s how we can help.

  • Separation
  • Divorce Application 
  • Divorce Hearing Representation
  • Domestic Violence Protection
  • Same-Sex Divorce 
  • International Divorce


In a family law situation, property settlement typically pertains to the division of assets and liabilities between separating or divorcing parties. When a relationship ends, whether it’s a marriage or a de facto relationship, the couple must determine how to divide their shared property fairly. 

If you choose to work with U Lawyers, our family lawyers can provide expert family law advice, assist you in property valuation and identification, help you in negotiation and mediation, and represent you in family court if needed, to reach a fair property settlement. 

With an experienced family lawyer guiding you, you can confidently navigate property matters and plan for a stable financial future after the case is resolved.

  • Property Valuation
  • Identification of Assets and Liabilities
  • Property Settlements
  • Binding Financial Agreements
  • Spousal Maintenance
  • Superannuation Splitting
  • Enforcement of Court Orders


Parenting matters in a family law situation refer to family law issues and arrangements concerning children’s care, custody, and well-being. These matters arise in various family situations, including divorce, separation, de facto relationships, and cases involving unmarried parents. 

Our family lawyers can give you expert legal advice and guidance on child custody, visitation arrangements, and the development of parenting plans. We will advocate for your rights and ensure that the child’s best interests are at the forefront of any decisions. 

We can help you with the following parenting matters. 

  • Parenting arrangements
  • Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting Orders)
  • ‘No Access’ Parenting Orders
  • Joint Custody
  • Sole Custody
  • Parenting Plans
  • Child Support and Financial Matters
  • Relocation Matters
  • Grandparent and Extended Family Access

What We Guarantee

Experienced and Passionate Family Lawyers

Our team of family lawyers is highly experienced and dedicated to their profession. Passion drives us to go the extra mile for our clients, ensuring we provide the best possible legal representation and support throughout their cases.

Availability of Lawyers Right When You Need Them

Our law firm strives to be available to you when you need us the most. Whether you’re facing a legal emergency or have urgent questions, we aim to respond promptly and provide timely guidance and representation.

Matched with a Lawyer Specialising in Your Case

We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. You will be matched with a lawyer specialising in the specific area of law under which your case falls. This ensures that you have an expert who thoroughly understands the complexities of your situation and can provide tailored solutions.

Transparent Communication with Clients

Our family lawyers prioritise open and transparent communication with our clients. We will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer your questions promptly, and address any concerns you may have so you’ll feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the entire legal process.

Honest Upfront Fees

We believe in being upfront and honest about our fees from the beginning. We’ll discuss the fees during the initial consultation, so you have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your case without any hidden surprises.

No-Fluff Processes

Legal matters can already be complex, and we don’t want to add unnecessary complications. Our approach involves cutting through the fluff and focusing on what truly matters: your case and achieving the best possible outcome.

How It Works


Step 1:

Get in Touch

When you contact our law firm, we’ll schedule a meeting to understand your legal issue better. We offer flexible meeting options including discussing your situation in person, over the phone, or via a video call.


Step 2:

Strategy & Representation

Once we know the details of your case, we’ll create a customised plan to address your needs. We’ll handle all the legal work, and negotiations, and represent you in court, keeping you informed along the way.


Step 3:

Resolution and Follow-up

Our main goal is to reach a favourable resolution for your case. We’ll work diligently to achieve the best outcome possible. Afterwards, we’ll take care of any necessary paperwork and follow-up steps.


We’re Always Here For You

We are Available 24/7

We know that legal matters wait for no one and when your matter is urgent you need someone you can lean on. Here at Unified Lawyers our dedicated Personal Injury Lawyers are available 24/7.

Legal Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

We specialise in a wide range of family law matters, including divorce, child custody and support, property settlement, domestic violence, adoption, and more. Our experienced family lawyers are well-versed in various aspects of family law to provide comprehensive support to our clients. If you’re not sure how we can help you, it doesn’t hurt to talk. Get in touch with our supportive family lawyers today.

The duration of the divorce process can vary depending on individual circumstances and factors like family court availability and cooperation between the parties. In Australia, there is a mandatory 12-month separation period before filing for divorce, and the process typically takes a few months to complete after the application is lodged.

Absolutely! Mediation is often a preferable and cost-effective way to resolve family law disputes. We encourage alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation and will work with you to achieve an amicable settlement out of court whenever possible.

Child custody decisions are made based on the child’s best interests. The family court considers various factors, such as each parent’s ability to care for the child and their relationship with the child. Visitation arrangements are established to ensure the child’s continued relationship with both parents while promoting stability and well-being.

In a divorce, assets and liabilities are typically divided fairly and equitably. We’ll work with you to identify all relevant assets and liabilities and negotiate a family law property settlement that considers contributions made during the relationship and the future needs of both parties.

Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, is considered on a case-by-case basis. We can assess your financial situation and advocate for fair and reasonable spousal support arrangements if appropriate.

Grandparents have legal rights to access their grandchildren in certain circumstances. We can assist grandparents in seeking visitation rights or custody if it’s in the child’s best interests and appropriate under family law.

If your ex-spouse fails to comply with court orders, we can take legal action to enforce the orders and protect your rights. This may involve filing an enforcement application with the court.