Wills and Estates

Wills and Estates Lawyers Australia

As wills and estates lawyers in Australia, our job is to help you secure a stable future for yourself and your family through estate planning and estate administration. We provide comprehensive legal assistance to ensure your estate and wishes are well handled. 

We specialise in drafting clear and legally binding wills that accurately express your intentions for asset distribution. Our strategic estate planning also minimises taxes and potential conflicts among beneficiaries, creating a smooth process for transferring assets and fulfilling your desires. 

Aside from drafting estate planning wills, we can also help in:

  • guiding your loved ones through probate to ensure a seamless transition
  • establishing trusts for ongoing asset management and protection
  • financial and medical decisions for seniors like future medical treatment
  • contesting wills if an exclusion or unjust distribution is suspected
  • estate-related disputes
  • superannuation and retirement planning
  • creating charitable legacies through trusts or foundations
  • helping business owners point not relevant to estate planning
  • other estate administration services

Consult our wills and estate lawyers today and we’ll help you get your affairs in order. We’ll ensure that your assets are protected, your wishes are respected, and your loved ones are taken care of according to your intentions.

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What are Wills and Estate Planning?

A will is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding how you want your property and possessions to be distributed among your beneficiaries. 

Estate planning, on the other hand, is the process of arranging and organising your estates, which encompass everything you own, from properties to investments, other assets, and personal belongings. It involves making strategic decisions about how your assets will be managed, distributed, and protected, as well as making various legal, financial, and medical decisions.

These decisions are compiled into an estate plan which will ensure your wishes are carried out in the event of your incapacitation or death.

If you need to get your affairs in order, here’s how our wills and estates lawyers can help:





What We Guarantee

Experienced and Passionate Wills and Estate Lawyers

Our team of wills and estate lawyers is highly experienced and dedicated to their profession. Passion drives us to go the extra mile for our clients, ensuring we provide the best possible legal representation and support throughout your cases.

Availability of Wills and Estate Lawyers Right When You Need Them

Our law firm strives to be available to you when you need us the most. Whether you’re facing a legal emergency or have urgent questions, we aim to respond promptly and provide timely guidance and representation.

Matched with a Lawyer Specialising in Your Case

We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. You will be matched with a lawyer specialising in the specific area of wills and estates law under which your case falls. This ensures that you have an expert who thoroughly understands the complexities of your situation and can provide tailored solutions.

Transparent Communication with Clients

Our wills and estates lawyers prioritise open and transparent communication with our clients. We will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer your questions promptly, and address any concerns you may have so you’ll feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the legal process.

Honest Upfront Fees

We believe in being upfront and honest about our fees from the beginning. We’ll discuss the fees during the initial consultation, so you have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your case without any hidden surprises. 

No-Fluff Processes

Legal matters can already be complex, and we don’t want to add unnecessary complications. Our approach involves cutting through the fluff and focusing on what truly matters: your case and achieving the best possible outcome. 

How It Works


Step 1:

Get in Touch

When you contact our law firm, we’ll schedule a meeting to understand your legal issue better. We offer flexible meeting options including discussing your situation in person, over the phone, or via a video call.


Step 2:

Strategy & Representation

Once we know the details of your case, we’ll create a customised plan to address your needs. We’ll handle all the legal work, and negotiations, and represent you in court, keeping you informed along the way.


Step 3:

Resolution and Follow-up

Our main goal is to reach a favourable resolution for your case. We’ll work diligently to achieve the best outcome possible. Afterwards, we’ll take care of any necessary paperwork and follow-up steps.


We’re Always Here For You

We are Available 24/7

Legal Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Wills are legal documents that outline how you want your assets to be distributed after your death. Having a will ensures that your wishes are respected, minimises potential conflicts among your beneficiaries, and provides a clear plan for the transfer of your assets.

While it’s possible to create a DIY will, we recommend seeking professional assistance from wills and estate lawyers. A wills and estate lawyer can help ensure that your will is a valid legal document, covers all necessary details, and reflects your intentions accurately, reducing the risk of errors or disputes.

If you pass away without a will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy in your jurisdiction. This may not align with your wishes and can lead to unintended outcomes. Having a will allows you to have control over the distribution of your assets.

In most cases, you have the legal right to exclude someone from your will. However, this can vary depending on jurisdiction and family circumstances. It’s important to consult a wills and estate lawyer to ensure that your wishes are properly expressed and legally sound.

Probate is the legal process of validating a will and ensuring its proper execution. It occurs after a person’s death and involves the court overseeing the distribution of assets, settling debts, and fulfilling the terms of the will.

Yes, you can update your will through a process known as a codicil or by creating a new will. It’s important to review and update your will periodically to reflect changes in your life circumstances, such as marriages, births, or changes in assets.

Estate planning involves a comprehensive approach to managing your assets during your lifetime and beyond. While a will is a crucial part of estate planning, it also includes other elements like trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives to ensure your financial, future medical treatment and personal affairs are managed according to your wishes.

There are various strategies to minimise estate taxes, such as gifting during your lifetime, establishing trusts, and taking advantage of applicable tax exemptions. Consulting with a tax-savvy estate lawyer can help you navigate these options.

Yes, you can include charitable bequests in your will to leave assets to a charity or establish a charitable trust. This can be a meaningful way to leave a positive impact and create a charitable legacy.

An executor is responsible for carrying out the terms of your will, including managing assets, paying debts, and distributing property to beneficiaries. It’s crucial to choose someone trustworthy and capable, and you can also seek legal advice on the executor’s responsibilities.